News & Updates

An Astrominer's Tale
The Flows of Chaos

11/29/23- I’M gonna to take a short break from writing. I plan on posting sneak peeks of my new chapters in a new part of the website called “From the King”. This part of the sight will be up when the first chapter is complete.

02/20/2024 – From the king Is finally here. You may now preview partial or whole chapters in their alpha draft form for you to enjoy, and if you desire, constructively critique. I encourage you to leave your helpful thoughts so that our king can grow.

I would like to impress on the reader of these sneak peaks that these previews will be in alpha drafts and are no whare near my publication standards.

PROCLOMATION: (Updates–Polymorphed: Book 3)
07/25/2024 – Book 3 is coming along nicely. Not including the prologue, and the part 1 and 2, I am 12 chapters in and working on CH-13. Thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far. Your king is working hard for you and hopes to have equally, if not more promising news in the future.

11/25/2024- I am nearing the end of Book 3, and will begin the continuity and grammar checks. I will leave the chapters I have up for your enjoyment until I begin on the new book. I love writing for you all, and hope that my writing inspires you.

1/07/2025- I have finished writing the third and final book of the polymorphed series. I will begin the story continuity check, which will then be followed by grammar checks.

P.S. I humbly thank all my reader who have supported me, as well as all my future readers. Please look for polls coming soon as your votes could determine the course of my future books.